Evidence You Can Present In A Case Regarding A Contract Dispute
The purpose of a contract is to provide you with peace of mind knowing that there is a remedy in the event that one party does not live up to their end of an agreement. However, to be able to successfully take legal action against someone for a breach of contract, you will need to know the type of evidence you can present.
Document Evidence
This is one of the most relevant forms of evidence because it includes the contract in question. However, various other types of documents can be relevant, such as newspapers, emails, and letters.
Physical Evidence
When you present physical evidence, you are presenting what is known as "real evidence." This needs to be evidence that the judge can actually inspect. The evidence needs to be material, authentic, and real to be shown in a trial. For example, if the other party was hired to make alterations to a dress and they ended up ruining the dress, the dress might be an example of physical evidence.
Witness Statements
You might call upon witnesses to testify on your behalf. For example, there may be a neutral third-party witness who saw that the contract was not fulfilled. In other cases, you may need help from an expert witness who can explain the complicated details of a contract in a manner that is easily understood by the court.
With each form of evidence, you may also wish to create demonstrative evidence that is meant to reinforce the other forms of evidence that you have presented. For example, you might wish to clarify your evidence with a diagram or some other visual.
The Admissibility of Evidence
For evidence to be presented in court, it needs to be admissible. There are several factors that can determine this, such as whether the evidence applies to a fact relevant to the case. For example, a party to the lawsuit cannot introduce evidence that is only meant to be disparaging of the character of another party to the lawsuit.
If your lawsuit involves a final contract, outside evidence is often not taken into account. For example, a previous written or spoken agreement might be considered null and void if you both agreed to a final contract. If you're not sure if a particular piece of evidence can be used in your case, it's important to turn to a contract dispute lawyer for help. Contact a contract dispute lawyer in your area to learn more.